Vorrei ringraziare anche Sabrina, l'organizzatrice della fiera, e le ragazze dell'ADMI, che sono state tutte gentilissime con me.
Infine, ringrazio tutte le amiche e clienti che sono venute a trovarmi, mi scuso se non sempre vi riconosco, siete davvero tante e tutte dolcissime!
Questa fiera è stata davvero interessante, c'erano stand bellissimi e ho avuto l'occasione di conoscere uno dei miei miti, la famosissima Angie Scarr, che oltre ad essere una miniaturista eccezionale è davvero una persona dolcissima e gentilissima. Eccola insieme a me in una posa plastica XD
Ovviamente non ho perso l'occasione per fare un po' di shopping, questi sono gli acquisti migliori: le bellissime porcellane bianche sono di Elisabeth Cuseret (Poteries Miniatures), quelle a fiori di Loredana Tonetti (Lory's Tiny Creations), i funghi e l'incredibile origami della bravissima Mariella Vitale (Muffa Miniatures).
Miniaturitalia, the italian fair of minitaures and dolls' houses, took place last weekend. This was not only my first fair as a miniaturist, but also the first one on my own...I missed my collegues Simone, Daniela and Giulia so much, but I had two great substitutes: Marta who came with me in Milan and Benedetta who made me feel at home. I really don't know how I could make it to the end without the two of you, so...THANKS!
I want to thank Sabrina, the fair manager and all the girls from ADMI, they were all so sweet with me.
Last but not least I want to thank all the friends and customers who came to see me, I apologize if I don't always recognize you, you really are so many now, all so sweet and kind.
This was a really interesting fair, there were lovely stands and I finally met one of my heroes, the famous Angie Scarr: she is not only a great miniaturist, but she is a really lovely woman as well, so sweet and kind. Here she is posing with me for a picture (look at her funny posture)! Of course I also made some shopping...these are the best purchases: the beautiful white porcelains from Elisabeth Cuseret (Poteries Miniatures), the ones with flowers from Loredana Tonetti (Lory's Tiny Creations), the mushroooms and the amazing origami from the great Mariella Vitale (Muffa Miniatures).
I want to thank Sabrina, the fair manager and all the girls from ADMI, they were all so sweet with me.
Last but not least I want to thank all the friends and customers who came to see me, I apologize if I don't always recognize you, you really are so many now, all so sweet and kind.
This was a really interesting fair, there were lovely stands and I finally met one of my heroes, the famous Angie Scarr: she is not only a great miniaturist, but she is a really lovely woman as well, so sweet and kind. Here she is posing with me for a picture (look at her funny posture)! Of course I also made some shopping...these are the best purchases: the beautiful white porcelains from Elisabeth Cuseret (Poteries Miniatures), the ones with flowers from Loredana Tonetti (Lory's Tiny Creations), the mushroooms and the amazing origami from the great Mariella Vitale (Muffa Miniatures).